Welcome to Regression

To begin we need to understand that the different distributions ask different questions.

Simple linear regression and multivariable regression we ask to have the error (or the residuals) to normally distributed with $ N(0,\sigma^2) $.
So in simple linear regression we just ask the line to be in the center of the data. And in multivariable linear regression we just span this thought to higher dimensions.

In logistic regression we ask to approximate the $\lambda$

Logistic Regression (also referred to as a binomial regression with log it link function)
cluster Poisson Regression
Tree regression Link to another website


association rule learning https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lift_(data_mining)


Common distributions with typical uses and canonical link functions
Distribution Support of distribution Typical uses Link name Link function Mean function
Normal real: Linear-response data Identity
Exponential real: Exponential-response data, scale parameters Inverse
real: Inverse
Poisson integer: count of occurrences in fixed amount of time/space Log
Bernoulli integer: outcome of single yes/no occurrence Logit
Binomial integer: count of # of "yes" occurrences out of N yes/no occurrences
Categorical integer: outcome of single K-way occurrence
K-vector of integer: , where exactly one element in the vector has the value 1
Multinomial K-vector of integer: count of occurrences of different types (1 .. K) out of N total K-way occurrences