Nice keyshortcuts to use:

To run pycharm like spyder:

In settings add the following code as “Starting script” (In settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Console -> Python Console:


if type(work_dir) in [list, tuple]:
    for i in range(len(work_dir)):
        print("{}: ".format(i),work_dir[i])
    def get_imp():
        imp = input()
            imp =int(imp)
            return get_imp()
        return imp
    inp = get_imp()
    work_dir = work_dir[inp]

This will create a variable work_dir. To make a short command to run this file again in the console you can create a makro.
(Edit -> Makros -> start macro recording) writing the following:

runfile(__file__, wdir=work_dir) <enter>

You can then later in settings -> keymap set a shortcmd to this makro.